Monday, September 6, 2010

bed room

In this hectic life,We all need aplace of rest and relaxation.We need aplace where we can temporarily get away from it all.Every one needs aplace like this,and for everyone that place will be different.For me,that place of rest and relaxation is the bedroom.

Now Iwill discrip My bedroom:In My bed room,there is avery big bed with pink blanket.On the bed there are two white pillows.In the middle of the room there is abig rug.there is abig armchair next to the bed.Its very comfortable.there is one warderobes on the left wall.the windows are on the right of the bed.

In my bed room Ican do any thing I want.I can listing to music.I can watch t.v.I can reading abook and writing story.
In counclusion,Ibelieve that the bed room is the most relaxing place I go.Everyone needs aplace to relax.Where is your place?


  1. Nice blog ^_^

    Mmm.... my favourite place is >> bathroom hahahahhahaha

  2. that is owsome Amina keep it up and cleen it hahaha its such a nice room.

  3. Yes it's nice, not like your room Ali :P
